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Latest Party Decoration Ideas

Latest Party Decoration Ideas


Tissue paper Pom Poms are definitely the flavour of the moment. They look absolutely beautiful hanging from your ceiling, or you can half unfold them and decorate table tops with them and walls. They are versatile and come in many different shades and tones, you can have them with rounded petals or spikey or even heart shaped ends. You can buy them ready made up and then you carefully unpeel each layer of tissue to fluff up your pom pom, or you can buy the tissue and create them yourself if you are feeling crafty! They aren't just for parties either, they look lovely decorating a room for everyday.



Tissue fans are very popular right now they come in a variety of sizes and colours and look stunning when clustered together on a wall, around a doorway or hanging in a window. You can also turn them the other way up and make them into big flowers, (the same with the pom poms) and stick them on posts or sticks and pop them into pots. 




Bunting always creates that 'village fair' look and is again very popular along with the vintage look.  Made out of paper or fabric, both look really fabulous when either strung across the garden, through the trees, or across a wall, window or across the party room.  Many people like to decorate their children's rooms with fabric bunting matching their decor.


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